Man Arrested for Quoting the Bible (07.06.23)

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Plain Bible Teaching Podcast

This week I’m joined by Kristofer Gardana, and we’re talking about a man who was arrested at a “Pride March and Rally” in Reading, Pennsylvania. The reason? He stood across the street, on a public sidewalk, holding a sign that referenced a Bible verse. There are a few things we have to say about this which we’ll discuss in our episode today.

STORY – Reading Man Arrested for Quoting Bible in Public

“It took less than sixty seconds of standing on a sidewalk for Damon Atkins to be placed in handcuffs and arrested for quoting a portion of a Bible verse.

“On Saturday morning dozens of people were gathered outside the Reading City Hall on Washington Street to participate in the city’s first ever ‘Pride March and Rally’ endorsed by Mayor Eddie Moran. At approximately 10:05 a.m. Atkins arrived at a public sidewalk across the street from City Hall.

“In less than a minute he found himself in handcuffs.

“The entire incident was captured on film by Matthew Wear of Reading, Pennsylvania, who told The Lancaster Patriot that he had been preaching prior to Atkins’ arrival and was told to stop by the same police officer who later handcuffed Atkins.


“The video shows Police Sergeant Bradley T. McClure approaching Atkins, and the two interact for approximately 25 seconds.

“Atkins can be heard saying ‘This is public property.’

“McClure can be heard saying ‘let them have their event’ and ‘respect them.’”


“The video footage shows Atkins holding a sign that read ‘JESUS SAID GO AND SIN NO MORE.’” (The Lancaster Patriot)

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