Is “Hustle Culture” Compatible with Christianity? (09.14.23)

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Plain Bible Teaching Podcast

This week we’re talking about “hustle culture.” What is that? It has to do with the idea of engaging in some type of work in addition to one’s regular job (sometimes called a “side hustle”) in order to pursue some personally fulfilling goal – whether that is in the work itself or the advantages that come from the additional income. Is something like this in harmony with the teachings and principles of Scripture? Or is it something that Christians should be wary about? We’re going to talk about this today.

STORY – Does Christianity Encourage “Hustle Culture?”

“Whether you have heard the term ‘hustle culture’ or not, you have probably been impacted by it. Terms like ‘on the grind’ or ‘working a side hustle’ are more and more prevalent in our society. With the rise of the gig economy, it seems like people are either looking for a hustle or engaged in one. Granted, some people are doing this to make ends meet, and you must respect that, but are we in danger of taking this too far? While the hustle culture is prevalent in society, has it found its way into the church, and if it has is it supposed to be that way?

“What Is Hustle Culture?

“Hustle culture is the mindset that you must always be working hard in pursuit of your dreams, goals, and aspirations. The engagement in the hustle takes center place in your life as you go after your pursuits at all costs. This can lead to neglecting other aspects of your life because you are going after the dream.” (Bible Study Tools)

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