Miss California & Gay Marriage – A Different Perspective

Much has been said in the past couple of weeks about Miss USA pageant contestant Carrie Prejean (Miss California) and her answer to a judge’s question about same-sex marriage. Ms. Prejean responded by stating her belief that marriage should be between one man and one woman.

The subject of same-sex marriage is a very divisive issue in this country. There has been much speculation about the possibility that her answer could have cost her the Miss USA crown. In terms of winning the contest, it would have been safer for her to give a more politically correct answer. But instead, she stated what she believes, regardless of the consequences in the competition.

As a result of this, many Christians have expressed admiration for this woman for stating her beliefs. While I am thankful that someone was willing to openly state this belief about marriage in a forum as public as the Miss USA pageant, I think we ought to be hesitant to lift her up as a role model of faith, particularly for young women and girls.

It is good that Ms. Prejean was willing to state her belief in Biblical truth, that marriage is between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-5), even if it meant she might lose the competition. But what about the Bible teaching that says women are to dress in modest apparel (1 Timothy 2:9), and that it is a shameful thing for one’s body to be on display (Isaiah 47:2-3)?

One part of the competition which the contestants were judged on was a swimsuit competition. Miss California, of course, participated. In fact, most of the news reports on the internet about this story that I have seen have had a big picture of Ms. Prejean in her bikini from this portion of the pageant.  She obviously has no scruples against showing off her body in public.

Some may think I’m being too picky and that I should just be happy that she stated her belief that marriage is only between one man and one woman. I am happy she stated her opposition to the growing same-sex marriage movement. But we should not think that as long as we agree on whatever the issue of the day is, other things don’t matter. Sin is sin. Whatever the Bible teaches is important, no matter what topic it is.

It is important that out children and young people are taught about God’s design and plan for marriage. It is also important that these young people, particularly young women and girls, are taught to be modest in all manners of life: speech, conduct, and dress.
