Investigating a Miracle Claim at a Catholic Church (06.08.23)

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Plain Bible Teaching Podcast

This week I’m joined by Kristofer Gardana, and we’re talking about an alleged miracle that took place at a Catholic Church in Connecticut. This was said to have taken place as they were administering the eucharist which, according to Catholics, is a miracle in itself. We’re going to discuss all of this in our episode today.

STORY – Vatican Investigating Possible Miracle at U.S. Church

“With the first stage complete in an investigation into a possible eucharistic miracle at a Roman Catholic church in Connecticut, the Vatican is now reviewing the initial report.

“The Rev. Joseph Crowley, the priest at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston, said that during communion on March 5, the number of hosts being handed out miraculously increased.

“‘What happened is our Lord multiplied himself,’ Crowley said.

“The Archdiocese of Hartford reviewed the incident and forwarded its report to Rome, according to the Hartford Courant.”


“After Mass on March 5, Crowley told parishioners what had apparently taken place that day.

“‘We had something happen. It’s hard to say, actually. God provides, and it’s funny how God provides, and sometimes it comes in a weird way, in a mystical way, in a strange way,’ he said.

“‘One of our eucharistic ministers was running out of hosts, and yet they didn’t, and suddenly there [were] more hosts in the ciborium. God duplicated himself,’ he said.” (The Gateway Pundit)

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