Monthly News Roundup (11.30.23)

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Plain Bible Teaching Podcast

This episode is our monthly news roundup for November. In this episode, we’re talking about how valuable your teenager is to Instagram, how often abortion leads to depression, and an infant in the UK who recently died after government officials refused to allow her parents to pursue medical treatments elsewhere.

STORY #1 – Instagram Addicted Your Teenager Because She’s Worth $270 to Them

“Late on the night before Thanksgiving, Facebook/Instagram (Meta) unsealed almost all of the redacted lines from the recent lawsuit in which 40+ states alleged Meta knowingly harmed teenage mental health by addicting them to their platforms for profit.

“I have been banging the drum on this issue for years—that Facebook is actively, not passively, choosing profits over users’ well-being—often with people giving me the side-eye like I’m peddling some wacky conspiracy theory. Well, now we have it straight from Meta’s mouth: they knew they were harming teenagers, and they ignored this harm because of the immense profits.”


“…according to a 2018 internal Meta email, your 13-year-old is worth $270 to Meta.” (Chris Martin, Terms of Service)

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STORY #2 – Study Confirms 1 in 3 Women Worldwide Become Depressed after Abortion

“One out of every three women who has an abortion develops full-blown depression because of her choice, according to a scholarly review of data tracking post-abortive women around the world.

“‘[T]he occurrence of post-abortion depression was found to be highly prevalent,’ concluded a meta-analysis published in BMC Psychiatry in October, in which researchers reviewed 15 studies involving 18,207 post-abortive women globally.”


“‘The findings revealed that the worldwide prevalence of post-abortion depression was estimated to be 34.5%,’ the meta-analysis revealed. Planned Parenthood has often normalized abortion by claiming, ‘One in four American women will have an abortion by age 45.’ Experts found that one in three of those women will develop depression as a result of their abortion.

“In some nations, the share of women who feel depressed after undergoing an abortion is as high as 85%, noted the meta-analysis.” (Life News)

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STORY #3 – UK Infant Indi Gregory Dies Amid Legal Battle with British Government Over Treatment Options

“A terminally ill baby in the United Kingdom, who was the focus of a legal battle involving her parents, British health officials and the Italian government over treatment options, died Monday morning in hospice care.”


“The infant had suffered brain damage because of a rare condition known as mitochondrial disease.

“The child’s doctors said her life support should be removed to allow her to die at a hospital or in hospice, but her parents, Dean Gregory and Claire Staniforth, continued to fight for her to remain on life support, hoping that experimental treatments may extend her life.

“The Italian government had solicited permission for her to be treated at Bambino Gesu Children’s Hospital in Rome. Italian officials even granted citizenship to the baby amid the legal battle over her health care.

“Doctors claimed that Indi was not aware of her surroundings and was suffering as they argued she should be allowed to die peacefully. Legal challenges supported by Christian Concern were rejected by British judges.

“Indi’s case is the latest in a series of legal battles in the United Kingdom between parents and doctors over treatment for children with terminal illnesses. British judges have repeatedly taken the side of doctors in cases about the best interests of the child, despite parental objections to a proposed treatment option.” (FoxNews)

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