The Catholic Church’s Search for Aliens

Last week the Associated Press reported that the Vatican is looking for signs of alien life. They have called in thirty scientists from several countries to study “whether sentient life forms exist on other worlds.” If extraterrestrial life is possible, there is also the question about “its implications for the Catholic Church.”

The subject of aliens is an interesting topic to many people. But what, if any, bearing does it have on our faith or service to God. Regardless of whether extraterrestrial life is possible, or even if intelligent life forms do exist on other planets, there are some truths that we must remember. These will not change, no matter what is discovered by science (or the Catholic Church).

  • God is the Creator. Many believe that the universe was formed by a great cosmic accident. Scientists contend that everything came into being by mere chance, and so they leave God out of the discussion. They may believe that finding life elsewhere will support their theory that life came from natural processes, rather than by the work of God. After all, if life began naturally here, why couldn’t it happen on other planets? No matter what studies are done, we know that “God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Finding life elsewhere in the universe does not cast doubt on that.
  • God created the universe the way He said He did. Regardless of what God may or may not have done on other planets, we know what the Bible tells us about Creation. Genesis 1 tells us how God created the heavens and the earth in 6 consecutive 24-hour days. Finding life on another planet, if man is ever able to do so, will not change what God has done.
  • Mankind is unique and special. This is another fact that will not change. The evolutionist says man is not special because he is just another animal. We also should not allow one who believes in the existence of aliens to convince us that man does not hold a special place in God’s creation. Man was created “in the image of God” (Genesis 1:27) and was given dominion over all of God’s physical creation (Genesis 1:28; Psalm 8:4-6). It is also true that God “desires all men to be saved” (1 Timothy 2:4). No theory or discovery should ever make us think that we are not important to God.
  • The Bible does not talk about alien life forms on other planets. Whether or not aliens exist, one thing is certain – you cannot go to the Bible to make a case for their existence. There is simply no passage that suggests that He created life on other planets. Therefore, it is not a matter that pertains to our faith. It remains in the realm of opinion and speculation.
  • The Bible is still true. What if it could be proven that intelligent life forms do exist on other planets? Since the Bible is silent on the subject, we wouldn’t have to worry about the word of God being discredited. The word of God is the truth (John 17:17) and will endure forever (1 Peter 1:25).
  • God’s plan of salvation will not change. Because the Bible is and always will be true, and it contains God’s revelation to man, the message in it will remain the same. It does not matter whether life exists elsewhere or not, or, if it does exist, whether we ever discover it. Just like the word of God as a whole, God’s message of salvation remains unchanged. The gospel message that was to be preached to the world contained these words of Christ – “He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved” (Mark 16:16). If man was to suddenly discover intelligent life on other planets tomorrow, Jesus’ message is unaffected. “He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved.

Do aliens exist? Is it possible for life to exist on other planets? Those questions belong in the realm of speculation. Since the Bible does not address them, they are not matters that pertain to the faith. It may be an interesting topic to discuss, but it does not have any bearing on our service to God or our hope of heaven. So if we choose to speculate about alien life forms, let us not let that distract us from following the Lord.
