Jesus Washed Feet, But… (02.15.24)

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Plain Bible Teaching Podcast

This week we’re talking about a controversial Super Bowl ad from the group “He Gets Us.” The commercial shows various people washing the feet of others, many of whom are usually depicted as being at odds with one another in our society. The commercial ended with these words being displayed across the screen: “Jesus didn’t teach hate. He washed feet.” The subtle – or not-so-subtle – message was that followers of Jesus need to welcome and accept everyone (including those who seek to obtain abortions, those who portray themselves as transgender, and more), and if they don’t, then they are guilty of “hate.” There are some very strong opinions about this ad, but I want us to consider some points about this today.

STORY – Pro-Life Advocates Criticize Christian Group’s “Pro-Abortion” Super Bowl Ad

“Some leading pro-life advocates are not happy with a Super Bowl ad that appeared to justify abortion.

During the big game last night, one of the ads sponsored by a Christian group shows people in various settings washing people’s feet. The ad is meant to convey the Biblical principle of Christians serving other people as service to the Lord.

One of the situations depicted is an AI photo showing a woman washing the feet of a woman outside an abortion business that the ad misleadingly labeled as a “Family Planning Clinic.”

Some pro-life advocates criticized the ad for making it appear that it was endorsing women getting abortions, which kill unborn children and violate Biblical pro-life principles. Other say the ad merely calls on us to follow Jesus’ command to love our neighbors and people regardless of who they are and what they do.” (Life News)

"He Gets Us" abortion clinic photo

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