How Does the Holy Spirit Work in Our Lives Today? (Episode 6)

Plain Bible Teaching Podcast

The question we’ll be considering in this episode was submitted via the podcast question submission form:

How does the Holy Spirit work in our lives today?

The Holy Spirit was sent from heaven to the apostles following the ascension of Christ. He played a vital role in the establishment of the church, beginning on the day of Pentecost. There are several things we can read the Holy Spirit doing in the New Testament, but does He still operate in the same way today? It is an important question for us to consider.

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  1. You have great simple easy to understand material.

  2. Jim stauffer says

    I enjoyed your podcast on How the Hole Spirit works in us today. I have a question concerning your explanation for Rom. 8:16 and 26. I did not get a clear understanding of how you believe the Holy Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are the children of God. It does not seem necessary to believe anything other than what is clearly stated of the faithful child of God in verses 9-11 that our spirit is in harmony with the Spirits of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit and in that sense testimony of our spiritual heritage is conveyed to Deity.
    In verse 26 I have a different question. Reading verses 26 and 27 which are all one sentence, it is said the (spirit or Spirit) intercedes for us and then follows that with a reference to One Who searches the hearts and knows what the mind of the (spirit or Spirit) is, because He (the One Who searches the hearts) intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. Now this comports with Jesus being our intercessor (Heb. 7 and 1 Tim. and Heb. 4) My problem is with the spirit of 26 and 27 being the Holy Spirit since he does not actually intercede for us at all. Actually whatever spirit this is has knowledge of our groanings that we are unable to express, but that spirit does not do anything but allow that knowledge to be searched out by He Who actually does intercede for the saints.
    I hope I have expressed my concerns over this passage accurately. Would love to hear your response to my thoughts as well as a more comprehensive explanation of yours.
    Let me say I receive your Plain Bible Teaching by way of email and have both benefitted by it and enjoy it. So thank you for your hard work and effort in this venue.

  3. Hi Jim, thanks for your comments!

    Verse 18 tells WHAT the Spirit is doing – testifying with our spirit that we are children of God. As to HOW He does this, the verse doesn’t really say. Rather than speculate on the HOW, my point was simply to emphasize the fact that the Spirit confirms or verifies that we are the children of God. The Holy Spirit revealed in the word of God how we can become children of God. As we follow the instructions that have been revealed by the Spirit (or as you put it, our spirit is in harmony with the Spirits of God), we have the testimony of the Spirit that we are God’s children.

    Verses 26-27 say that the Spirit (or spirit) “intercedes for us” and “intercedes for the saints.” Yes, Jesus makes intercession for us (Hebrews 7:25), but I don’t think Paul is talking about Jesus here. Whether this is the Holy Spirit or the spirit of man does not take away from Jesus’ work as an intercessor. In fact, Paul would make the point about Jesus interceding for us in verse 34 of this same chapter. The question then would be whether the Spirit/spirit who intercedes for us in verses 26-27 is the Holy Spirit or the spirit of man. When I read this, it really looks like a “third party” interceding for us before the one to whom we offer our prayers (God). It seems odd that Paul would make the point that we intercede for ourselves. Instead, it seems to make more sense that there is a “third party” who intercedes for us, which would be the Holy Spirit.

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