Answering Basic Questions (Part 10): Who Is the Holy Spirit?

Answering Basic Questions

The New Testament talks a lot about the Holy Spirit, yet many do not have a clear understanding of who or what the Holy Spirit is. However, it is important that we recognize who (not what) the Holy Spirit is and understand His work and purpose.

Who is the Holy Spirit? Let us notice four points about Him.Continue Reading

Answering Basic Questions (Part 2): What Is the Bible?

Answering Basic QuestionsThe Bible is the most well-known and well-preserved book of all time – no other book of antiquity comes close to having the manuscript evidence that the Bible has. Believers in God recognize the Bible as His word and those who reject God still cannot ignore it. It is truly a unique book.

But what is the Bible? Let us consider four points that will help us begin to answer that question.Continue Reading

Religion and Depression, Hallmark Channel’s LGBT Shift, and Being Religious or Spiritual (02.25.21)

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Plain Bible Teaching Podcast

After missing last week, the podcast is back and we have three new stories to discuss. The first discusses the complex connection between religion and mental health. Then we talk about the shifting values in what has traditionally been seen as “wholesome, family-friendly” entertainment. We end with a conversation about how people view themselves as being religious and/or spiritual.Continue Reading

Tolbert Fanning’s Seven Rules for Studying the Bible

Tolbert Fanning: Study upon the Proper Plan

Most religiously-minded people will affirm that reading the Bible is vital. Many of these would also say that studying the Scriptures is important. Yet among those who read and study the Bible, there is usually a wide range of beliefs and practices that often conflict with and contradict one another. Is this to be expected and accepted? Or is that a sign that we should re-evaluate our approach in studying the Bible?

Tolbert Fanning (1810-1874) was a preacher from Tennessee who had a strong influence among brethren in the South. In his book The True Method of Searching the Scriptures, he outlined seven rules for studying the Bible. As we consider these rules, we will see that these are not just one man’s opinion; instead, these are some basic principles we need to apply if we are to understand God’s word in the way He intended us to understand it.

So let us briefly consider these seven rules for studying the Bible.Continue Reading

Do Christians Receive Visions from God Today? (Episode 9)

Plain Bible Teaching Podcast

The question we’ll be considering in this episode was submitted via the podcast question submission form:

Do Christians receive visions from God today?

The Scriptures show us that God has made His will known to man. One method by which He has done this is through visions. We have examples of this being done in both the Old and New Testaments. Does God still reveal His will in this way? If so, how would we know if a particular vision was from God? This is what we discuss in this episode.

Additional resources:

Do you have a question you would like to submit for a future episode? Fill out the Plain Bible Teaching Podcast question form.

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How Does the Holy Spirit Work in Our Lives Today? (Episode 6)

Plain Bible Teaching Podcast

The question we’ll be considering in this episode was submitted via the podcast question submission form:

How does the Holy Spirit work in our lives today?

The Holy Spirit was sent from heaven to the apostles following the ascension of Christ. He played a vital role in the establishment of the church, beginning on the day of Pentecost. There are several things we can read the Holy Spirit doing in the New Testament, but does He still operate in the same way today? It is an important question for us to consider.

Additional resources:

Do you have a question you would like to submit for a future episode? Fill out the Plain Bible Teaching Podcast question form.

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Pay Attention


We receive reminders throughout our lives to pay attention – to our spouses, children, parents, teachers, employers, etc. The Bible also emphasizes the importance of paying attention. In this article, we are going to see what we are – and are not – to pay attention to and why it matters.Continue Reading