Answering Basic Questions: Conclusion

Answering Basic Questions

But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence” (1 Peter 3:15).

We began this series with the passage above. As Christians, we need to be ready to give an answer for what we believe and why we believe it. This requires not just a firm understanding of such things (which necessitates us studying the Scriptures), but also an idea of what type of questions we may face so that we can prepare as best we can.

The twelve questions we have discussed in this series are common questions that are fundamental to what we believe and practice as Christians. The answers we have discussed were not exhaustive, yet this was intentional. The purpose was to give all of us – regardless of whether we are mature Christians or new converts – some basic points that we can use to begin our discussions with others. Of course, follow-up questions may come up that will require additional study or help; but this material is meant to provide a good starting point for anyone.Continue Reading

Answering Basic Questions (Part 12): What Happens When We Die?

Answering Basic Questions

Death is a sad reality of life. Everyone understands this, whether they are religious or not. But what comes after death? Many wonder about this, but not everyone has an answer that satisfies their curiosity. However, if we look to the Bible, we can find the answer to this question.

What happens when we die? Let us notice four points.Continue Reading

Answering Basic Questions (Part 11): What Is the Work of the Church?

Answering Basic Questions

Earlier in this series, we discussed the question: What is the church? A related question, and one that will come up from time to time, is about what local churches are to be doing. If you ask various people, you will likely get many different answers. This is the reason why there is an almost limitless number of activities and “ministries” offered by churches today. Is it necessary – or even good – for churches to do all of these things?

What is the work of the church? There are four points for us to consider here.Continue Reading

Answering Basic Questions (Part 10): Who Is the Holy Spirit?

Answering Basic Questions

The New Testament talks a lot about the Holy Spirit, yet many do not have a clear understanding of who or what the Holy Spirit is. However, it is important that we recognize who (not what) the Holy Spirit is and understand His work and purpose.

Who is the Holy Spirit? Let us notice four points about Him.Continue Reading

Answering Basic Questions (Part 9): What Is Worship?

Answering Basic Questions

Many people equate being religious with worship, and for good reason. Worship may not be all that we do in service to God, but it must be a necessary and fundamental part of it.

What is worship? Let us consider four points about this subject.Continue Reading

Answering Basic Questions (Part 8): What Is Bible Authority?

Answering Basic Questions

Man has come up with many different things to do in the name of religion. Yet when it comes to deciding what we will do in our service to God, the only way we can know how to please Him is by looking to His word. But how does His word help us discern His will? That is a matter of Bible authority.

What is Bible authority? We are going to discuss some fundamental points here.Continue Reading

Answering Basic Questions (Part 7): What Is the Plan of Salvation?

Answering Basic Questions

Jesus came to earth and died on the cross in order to make salvation possible. But how can we take advantage of His sacrifice and be saved? The New Testament shows how this can be done.

So what is the plan of salvation? Let us consider four points in this article.Continue Reading