Living for Christ

Man with Open Bible

For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died; and He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf” (2 Corinthians 5:14-15).

Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was an act of love. Before His death, He told His apostles, “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). This love should produce a deep sense of gratitude in us. Yet, as Paul explained, it must do more than that. It should also motivate us to live our lives for Him.

But what does it mean to live for Christ? It is more than just a belief in Him or an appreciation for what He has done. Our belief and appreciation should affect our behavior. So let us learn what it means to live for Christ. To do this, we will consider a few passages that contain analogies and instructions that help explain this concept.Continue Reading

Should Christians Listen to Contemporary “Christian” Music?

Contemporary worship band

Contemporary “Christian” music has grown in acceptance and popularity over the last several decades. During this time, artists in more and more genres – including rock and hip hop – have been writing songs with lyrics that are more spiritual than secular. For many religious people, this is seen as an unquestionably positive development.

Before we consider whether these songs are ones that Christians should listen to, let us start with a definition of what we mean by Contemporary “Christian” music.

“Contemporary Christian music (CCM), also known as Christian pop, and occasionally inspirational music, is a genre of modern popular music, and an aspect of Christian media, which is lyrically focused on matters related to the Christian faith and stylistically rooted in Christian music. …the term is typically used to refer to pop, but also includes rock, alternative rock, hip hop, metal, contemporary worship, punk, hardcore punk, Latin, electronic dance music, R&B-influenced gospel, and country styles.” (Wikipedia)

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Safe and Sane Solutions

Sommer: Safe and Sane Solutions

Few preachers associated with the Restoration Movement fought so strongly and effectively against innovations and apostasy than Daniel Sommer (1850-1940). His efforts were motivated by a profound respect for the word of God, and his ability to defend the truth as he did was possible because of his diligence in studying the Scriptures. This respect and diligence can be seen in the quote below from Allen Sommer – the son of Daniel Sommer – as he recalled the memory of his father.

“When he was home, as a child I remember going to bed at night leaving Father seated at a writing table with the Book open before him, and a piece of heavy paper or card-board bent around the coal-oil lamp chimney, to shade his eyes … there he was—reading and writing—always writing and reading … And when I sleepily drifted into the room next morning, there he was—reading that Book, and writing … always writing and reading. I wondered if he’d been there all night … Sometimes he’d pause, lift his massive head and shoulders and gaze straight ahead. I wondered then what he saw. Later I concluded he was turning over in his mind a scripture, looking under, around, and behind, for safe-and-sane solution…” (Faith and Facts Quarterly, Volume 48, Number 2, p. 19).

Daniel Sommer had such a habit of Bible study that his young son wondered if he ever went to sleep or stayed up all night with the word of God open before him. This diligence is commendable. We all need to strive to maintain such a habit of studying the Scriptures. Yet there was more involved in the study done by Sommer than just the time he spent in it. His young son noticed the time, but as Allen Sommer grew up, he realized that his father’s approach to the Scriptures – looking for a “safe-and-sane solution” to the issue at hand – enabled him to teach and defend the truth so effectively.Continue Reading

How the Church May Use Its Money

Collection Plate

Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I directed the churches of Galatia, so do you also. On the first day of every week each one of you is to put aside and save, as he may prosper, so that no collections be made when I come” (1 Corinthians 16:1-2).

The passage above shows the practice of churches in the first century under the direction of the apostles taking up a collection on the first day of the week. Brethren often cite this as the reason why Christians today continue to give on the first day of each week when they assemble with their local congregations.

But why do we give on the first day of each week? Besides following this example, what is the purpose of doing this? After we put our money in the collection plate, what does the church do with it? Are there any instructions or principles in the New Testament that would inform us about the church’s use of that money? We are going to consider these questions in this article.Continue Reading

What the Bible Says about Easter (04.06.23)

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Plain Bible Teaching Podcast

This week we’re talking about Easter. This Sunday is Easter Sunday, which means churches across the country and around the world are preparing special services and events in celebration of this holiday that supposedly is to remember the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. What does the Bible say about this? We’re going to discuss that in our episode today.Continue Reading

Churches Canceling Services for Christmas (12.22.22)

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Plain Bible Teaching Podcast

This week we’re talking about churches canceling services for Christmas. December 25th falls on a Sunday this year. And while most churches in the religious world place a special emphasis on this as a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus, there are a number of churches that are planning not to meet at all because of the holiday. There are some points I want us to consider about this.Continue Reading

Answering Basic Questions (Part 11): What Is the Work of the Church?

Answering Basic Questions

Earlier in this series, we discussed the question: What is the church? A related question, and one that will come up from time to time, is about what local churches are to be doing. If you ask various people, you will likely get many different answers. This is the reason why there is an almost limitless number of activities and “ministries” offered by churches today. Is it necessary – or even good – for churches to do all of these things?

What is the work of the church? There are four points for us to consider here.Continue Reading