This material has also been published in paperback by Gospel Armory. Check it out here: My Son, Hear My Words: Notes on Proverbs.

A list of all of the articles in this series is available here – Proverbs Study (Index)

Study of Proverbs (Index)

Notes on Proverbs

This 35-part study on the book of Proverbs was originally posted on another one of my websites, but has since been moved over to this site. Below is an index of all the posts in the series for easy reference.
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Now Available: "My Son, Hear My Words: Notes on Proverbs"

The material posted on this site throughout our Proverbs study has been compiled, edited, and published. It is now available in paperback and for the Kindle. The following is a summary of the book:
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Conclusion to the Study of Proverbs

Notes on Proverbs

Throughout this study, we have seen how God expects His people to grow in wisdom – not wisdom that is of the world, but wisdom that comes from above. As we have gone through this study, we have divided the material in the book of Proverbs into four sections:
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The Application of Wisdom: Teachings About God (Part 2)

Notes on Proverbs

Trust God

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones” (3:5-8).

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The Application of Wisdom: Teachings About God (Part 1)

Notes on Proverbs

The final point of application in our study of Proverbs has to do with God and our relationship to Him. The entire book of Proverbs has been a discussion of the wisdom that comes from above. Of course, the source of this wisdom is God Himself. But without understanding God and our place before Him, it would be difficult for us to find sufficient reason to trust that His way is best and live our lives according to it. Therefore, we must understand God to fully understand the importance of the wisdom contained in this book.
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The Application of Wisdom: Teachings About Government

Notes on Proverbs

Given the way people talk about government as it relates to the Scriptures, many might assume that there is very little in the way of instruction regarding government in the book of Proverbs. Yet there are quite a few passages that teach us about government, as well as providing instructions both to those in government and those who are subject to governing authorities. We begin with the following verse:

Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people” (14:34).

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The Application of Wisdom: Teachings About Neighbors

Notes on Proverbs

We have already studied what the book of Proverbs teaches about our relationships with family and friends. But there are many people we interact with on a regular basis that are outside of these relationships. So let us consider the words of wisdom about our dealings with neighbors.
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