Campaign Promises

During this time of political campaigns in our country, particularly since this is a Presidential election year, the citizens listen to the promises of the candidates as they decide how to vote. Many people look for the candidate who promises to do the most for them – education, health care, money, etc.

Often, there is no regard for where the money comes from to pay for these benefits. People just want their “free” health care, education, and tax rebates in excess of the tax they paid. They want these things even if it means that the government takes the money from others who earned it.

This type of greed and selfishness is to be expected of those in the world. But it has no place in the life of a Christian. Notice the words of Paul:
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Money Matters

Money in Pocket

Money is a matter of priority to many people in our society. As the economy is a concern in many places around the country, there is a tendency to worry about financial matters. As Christians, we must take heed to what God has instructed with regard to money. The Bible actually has quite a bit to say about the subject. We will consider some of God’s instruction that relates to our finances in this article.
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Man looking out over the ocean

It is easy to get caught up in accumulating wealth and possessions in this life. We see people around us who are prosperous and have many of the things that we would like to have. So we are tempted to pursue those things. There is nothing wrong with possessing some of this world’s goods; but if that is our aim, we will be as unfruitful as the thorny ground in the parable of the sower. The “worries and riches and pleasures of this life” (Luke 8:13) will choke out the word and leave us in a sad condition before the Lord.
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