Homosexuality (Season 13, Episode 3)

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Homosexuality (Season 13, Episode 3)

In this season, we’re discussing social issues – problems that are facing our society and what the Bible has to say about these issues.

Homosexuality is a compound word that refers to the sexual relations between two people of the same sex (the Greek homo means same). This is in contrast with heterosexuality which involves two people of the opposite sex (the Greek hetero means other or different).

Those who argue in favor of homosexuality will often argue from the standpoint that those in these relationships “love” one another and since it is based upon love their behavior is not to be questioned; instead, it should be celebrated. Many who defend homosexuality claim that homosexuals are “born that way”; therefore, we cannot judge them (however, while this argument is common, it is not as popular as it used to be).

Mentioned in this episode:

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Audio: The Fall of Babylon

The United States is becoming more of an immoral and godless country. Last week’s Supreme Court ruling that opened the door for further acceptance of homosexuality and same-sex “marriage” is another example of this.

Some have speculated that this ruling moves the United States one step closer to God bringing about its downfall. A growing acceptance of sin may mean we are closer to the downfall of this nation (Proverbs 14:34), but we should be careful about speculating too much about what God is actively doing because of what we are told in the book of Amos: “Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret counsel to His servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7). But sin certainly has consequences, even though not all of them are the result of God’s direct action.

This lesson examines the fall of “Babylon” in Revelation 18 and the important lessons it teaches us today.
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Preaching Politics

Michelle Obama recently said there is “no better place” than church to talk about political issues. To some extent she is right. While not all political matters are worthy of our discussion in the assembly of the saints, those “political” matters that are addressed in the Bible will be taught by faithful men who are striving to speak as the oracles of God (1 Peter 4:11), proclaiming the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27). Therefore, we speak where the Bible speaks, even on certain “political” topics. Some examples of such topics are listed below:
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Audio: The Same-Sex Marriage Debate

This lesson deals with the topic of same-sex marriage. People use things like politics, culture, and tradition to argue either for it or against it. Here we want to consider the subject from a Biblical perspective. This lesson will cover three points:

  1. God’s definition of marriage.
  2. God’s condemnation of homosexuality.
  3. The hope that exists for homosexuals.

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Why Christians Should Vote

[An important set of elections is taking place in three weeks. As we still have the opportunity to vote in this country, it is important that we cast our votes primarily as Christians, rather than Republicans, Democrats, or Independents. I encourage you to consider the Biblical teachings addressed in this article by Tim Haile. He also has a PDF version available on his website if you are interested. Read this article, consider the passages, and pray for our leaders — both the current ones and those that may soon be elected. -Andy]

Democratically elected representatives and officials make decisions that have a tremendous impact upon our lives. They have the power to pass laws, impose rules, regulations and taxes and appoint judges. Their decisions can either shape civil government after the divine model that is revealed in Scripture (Romans 13:1-10), or they can shape it after the model of the “sea beast” and the “great whore” of the Apocalypse – an intrusive, abusive and invasive government that was both anti-God and anti-man (Revelation 13, 17, 18). Considering how much power politicians have to affect our lives, either for the better or for the worse, it behooves us to do all that we can to elect honorable ones. In a democracy, the voting booth is where one makes his strongest statement.

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Controversy Over Same-Sex “Marriage”

Wedding Cake Toppers

With the recent court rulings in California over same-sex marriage, this debate has once again come to the forefront of our society. Whenever a political or social hot topic overlaps into matters of spiritual consequence, Christians can find great opportunities to talk with others about the Scriptures. With this issue in mind, let us be reminded of a few things and be ready to teach them to others.
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The Bible & Gay Marriage

I’ve written a few things about gay marriage and homosexuality recently (links at the end of this post). But something occurred to me today that I had not mentioned in a previous article. It’s a simple point, and maybe it will be another argument we can use when discussing this issue with others.

Many believe there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, that it is an inherited trait, an acceptable practice, and a normal lifestyle. They argue (incorrectly) that the Bible does not call this a sin. And they contend that God accepts those who continue to practice homosexuality.

Then the argument is made for same-sex marriage. If there is nothing wrong with homosexuality (as they believe), then there is no reason (in their minds) why gays cannot marry one another.

Even if homosexuality was not a sin, that would not necessarily mean that same-sex marriage is acceptable. For those who believe homosexuality is a wholesome lifestyle and that God accepts unrepentant homosexuals, I challenge them to find just one passage that mentions, or even suggests that God allows same-sex marriage. After all, God instituted marriage (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:3-6). If gays can marry, surely there is some verse were we can find this.

The fact of the matter is that there is no verse that either condones or explicitly condemns same-sex marriage. You would think that if homosexuality wasn’t a sin, then logically God would either endorse same-sex marriage or explain why He does not allow it. But there is nothing there. The lack of a mention says a lot.

Homosexuality is a sin (Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9; 1 Timothy 1:9-10). No twisted arguments used to justify the practice or same-sex marriage will change that.