The Application of Wisdom: Teachings About the Family

Notes on Proverbs

The first and primary human relationship was that of the man and woman in marriage (Genesis 2:18-24). From this relationship came the first children (Genesis 4:1-2) and all mankind descended from there (Acts 17:26). The book of Proverbs contains several instructions about family relationships, emphasizing the importance of harmony in the home, as well as responsibilities of parents, children, and grandparents.
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Rising Number of Stay-At-Home Dads: What Does the Bible Say About This?

Stay-at-home dad

A recent study has shown that the number of “stay-at-home dads” has doubled in the last decade.

While we might expect the poor economy and layoffs among men to be a factor, many of these men who are staying at home to be the primary care-giver for the children are doing so as the result of a mutual decision made by both parents. The article cited above states: “But according to the results of a new study by Boston College, the rise may be due more to choices and evolving gender roles of parents” (emphasis mine).

In this arrangement, the wife is the one who leaves the home for the workplace and the husband either quits his job or chooses not to look for a job so he can stay home with the kids. As this becomes more common, it is important for Christians to be reminded about what the Bible has to say that relates to this issue.
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The Older Women Must Teach the Young Women

Mother, daughter, and baby

In many ways, our society’s norms and values are quite different from those found in the Bible, particularly in regard to the role and responsibilities of women. Paul instructed Titus to teach the older women about what they were to teach to the younger women. These lessons are still needed today.

Older women likewise are to be… teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored” (Titus 2:3-5).

Paul mentioned seven lessons the older women were to teach to the younger women. Let us consider each one briefly.
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“A Woman Shall Not Wear Man’s Clothing” (3/18)

Thought from today’s Bible reading from Deuteronomy 21-23.

A woman shall not wear man’s clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman’s clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 22:5).

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“No Lack of Gain”

[This article was written by Bryan Dockens.]

The virtuous wife” brings her husband “no lack of gain” (Proverbs 31:10-11).

While maintaining a reasonable effort to keep her husband attracted (Proverbs 5:19; Song of Songs 7:1-9), the woman of valor acknowledges the fleeting nature of outward glamour (Proverbs 31:30). Instead, she chooses to emphasize inward beauty (1st Peter 3:3-4; 1st Timothy 2:9-10) and is therefore not one to waste the family’s hard-earned income on expensive clothing, fashion accessories, or cosmetics for herself. Similarly, gym memberships and exercise equipment are not considered priority expenses (1st Timothy 4:8).
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It’s the 21st Century, Do Wives Still Need to Submit to Their Husbands?

Couple at sunset

A couple of British church leaders have come under fire recently for preaching that wives are to submit to their husbands. They claimed that women who refuse to obey this command are at least partly to blame for the country’s high divorce rate.

Not surprisingly, there were many people – especially women – who took offense at their message. One woman was quoted as saying she was “disgusted” by this and said, “How can they talk that way in the 21st century?”
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“Admonish The Young Women… To Be… Homemakers”

[This article was written by Bryan Matthew Dockens.]

Given the rise in popularity of stay-at-home-dads and women with full-time jobs outside the home, it is appropriate to consider the validity of such an arrangement.

The word of God affirms the duty of women to fulfill the role of homemaker. Paul instructed “older women” to “admonish the young women… to be… homemakers (Titus 2:3-5).

Elsewhere, the apostle made clear the responsibility of young women to “manage the house” (1 Timothy 5:14). In no wise is this a slight against women. This term is translated from a Greek word which is derived from two other words meaning “house” and “master”. The one who manages the house occupies a position of leadership worthy of respect.

A woman’s primary role is domestic in nature. This is not to the total exclusion of all else, for the “virtuous wife” extolled by King Lemuel was quite active beyond the walls of her house (Proverbs 31:10-31). A woman is not necessarily prohibited additional employment, but she would need to quit such if it interfered with her function at home.

Men are nowhere in scripture commanded to manage the house or be homemakers. They have other work to do. God told man, apart from woman, “In toil you shall eat” and “In the sweat of your face you shall eat” (Genesis 3:17, 19).

Men must be out working, while women stay home to manage the house. It’s that simple.