An Institution of Higher Education

Yale University

In our society, a great deal of emphasis is placed upon obtaining a college education in order to prepare for secular employment. For many careers, this is helpful. For some, it is essential. Therefore, many people pursue a secular education in an institution of higher learning in order to best prepare themselves to find what they consider to be good jobs.

However, there is a type of education that is far more important than the education that prepares one for employment. This higher education is not for secular pursuits, but spiritual. It prepares us not for the work force (at least not directly), but for our service to God. Its purpose is not to help us obtain a high-paying job with good benefits, but to help us obtain eternal life.

Strangely, some act as though an institution devoted to secular education is also the preferred institution for their spiritual education. But God has created His own institution of higher education – the church. It has everything we need for the pursuit of a higher (i.e. from God) education. Let us notice what the Bible says about this institution of higher education.
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Preparing to Preach

In an article posted August 4 on the Christian Courier website, Wayne Jackson has some good advice for men desiring to preach the gospel and how to prepare for that work. His advice about attending a “Christian college” is particularly good. His concerns about such an education are some of the ones I have as well. This is what he had to say:
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