Social Issues (Part 7): Atheism/Humanism

Social Issues

Atheism is the belief that there is no God. Humanism, which is related to atheism, is the philosophical ideology that values human reasoning over religion and superstition. Being opposed to religion, humanism embraces secularism.

Those who argue in favor of atheism will claim that there is no evidence for the existence of God. Those who embrace atheism and humanism believe that society is better off without religion. They believe that the universe came about by chance and that we are the product of evolution. Some atheists/humanists are indifferent toward religion while others are openly antagonistic toward “people of faith.”Continue Reading

Social Issues (Part 6): Drug Abuse

Social Issues

Drug abuse is a broad topic. It includes illicit drugs (marijuana, cocaine, heroin, etc.), legal drugs (alcohol and tobacco), and even prescription drugs. This lesson is not about the medicinal use of drugs but the recreational use of such substances.

Those who argue in favor of recreational drug use (including “social drinking”) will often argue that as long as they remain in control and do not use these substances in excess or to the point of harming themselves or others, it is perfectly fine. As a way to justify their behavior, it is common for those who want to defend drug and alcohol use to liken it to eating unhealthy foods.Continue Reading

Social Issues (Part 5): Racism

Social Issues

Racism can take on different forms and exist in varying degrees. A milder form of racism may simply mean that one views his own race as superior to other races (or possibly over one race that has been singled out in particular). More extreme forms of racism can include hostility and even violence against others based upon their race.

Those who defend their racist views will often cite common prejudices or negative stereotypes as the basis for looking down upon a particular race. Personal anecdotes are often used to support one’s racism (a negative experience with one person can be used to portray everyone of that race in the same light). Some will even use the Bible (more accurately, they will misuse it) to argue in favor of racism – for example, since Ham’s descendants were cursed (Genesis 9:22-27), those who descended from Ham are to be viewed as cursed as well.Continue Reading

Social Issues (Part 4): Gender Roles

Social Issues

Gender roles are about the responsibilities that men have as men and women have as women. Most instructions in the Bible are not specific to gender – they apply to all people. But there are some that specifically apply to either men or women.

Many argue that there are no specific gender roles. They claim that there should be no difference between what a man can do and what a woman can do. On the extreme of this issue is the “feminist ideology.” In addition to confusing/changing gender roles, feminist ideology also embraces abortion, lesbianism, and hostility toward males (to include the assumption of guilt every time a man is accused by a woman of sexual assault).Continue Reading

Social Issues (Part 3): Transgenderism

Social Issues

Transgenderism has become a “hot topic” lately. It is often grouped together with homosexual causes (LGBT). However, this is not about sexuality, but identity. Homosexuality involves an attraction to those of the same sex/gender that results in sexual relations. Transgenderism is about how one identifies himself/herself. It is sometimes called “gender dysphoria,” which is defined as an unease or dissatisfaction with one’s gender.

Those who argue on behalf of transgenderism claim that these individuals are being true to themselves and that the sex they were “assigned” at birth is different from who they are inside (how they identify themselves). They claim this is not a choice (for example, a man might choose to wear women’s clothing but not be transgender).Continue Reading

Social Issues (Part 2): Homosexuality

Social Issues

Homosexuality is a compound word that refers to the sexual relations between two people of the same sex (the Greek homo means same). This is in contrast with heterosexuality which involves two people of the opposite sex (the Greek hetero means other or different).

Those who argue in favor of homosexuality will often argue from the standpoint that those in these relationships “love” one another and since it is based upon love their behavior is not to be questioned; instead, it should be celebrated. Many who defend homosexuality claim that homosexuals are “born that way”; therefore, we cannot judge them. However, while the “born that way” argument is common, it is not as popular as it used to be. Why? First, it is simply not true. Second, it is too limiting. The argument was used initially to get more people to accept homosexuality. After it is more widely accepted, the argument can be dropped to get more people to experiment with homosexuality.Continue Reading

Social Issues (Part 1): Abortion

Social Issues

Abortion is the procedure through which the life of a child in the womb is deliberately terminated. In other words, when an abortion is performed, an unborn child (a human being) is intentionally killed.

Those who argue in favor of abortion defend the practice as a woman’s “right to choose” (yet in most cases, it is really about avoiding the consequences of other choices). They contend that arguments or legislation against abortion are hostile toward women as they are to have a right to privacy (yet privacy should not be used to justify sin). They declare that they have authority over their own bodies (yet they deny the unborn child authority over his/her own body). They often (but not always) ignore or argue against the humanity of the unborn.Continue Reading