Modern-Day Idols (11.03.22)

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Plain Bible Teaching Podcast

This week we’re talking about modern-day idols. We often think of “idols” in terms of “graven images” made of stone or wood, yet anything that would replace or challenge the place of God in our hearts is an idol. A survey was conducted recently about what idols exist among churchgoers. The findings may be a bit surprising. We’re going to talk about them today.Continue Reading

Growing in Wisdom, Stature, and Favor

Jesus as a Boy in the Temple

The four gospels focus primarily on the public ministry of Jesus leading up to His crucifixion and resurrection – a period of approximately three years. In addition to this, Matthew and Luke include some information about His birth and infancy. Luke also briefly records one event in Jesus’ childhood – the time when He was “lost” in the temple at twelve years old (Luke 2:41-51).

We may be curious about what happened as Jesus grew up, but the Scriptures are mostly silent about this. However, the Holy Spirit did see fit to include a statement about the growth of Jesus:

And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52).

This may seem somewhat obvious and, therefore, almost insignificant. Yet this statement was given for a reason. If Jesus grew in wisdom, stature, and favor, then it should be expected for us to do the same. In this article, we are going to consider how we can grow in each of these areas.Continue Reading

Do Not Be Like Ephraim


The prophet Hosea warned the people of Israel (Ephraim) about God’s judgment that was coming against them because of their sin. In the passages we will discuss in this article, he compared the people to different things – the dew, a dove, and a donkey.

These things have been “written for our instruction” (Romans 15:4; cf. 1 Corinthians 10:6, 11). The warning for us is this: Do not be like Ephraim!
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Joshua’s Challenge to the People

Joshua 24:15

Most of us probably remember Joshua’s statement: “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15). His mind was already settled. No matter what the rest of the people decided when he challenged them, “Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve,” he was determined to follow God.

But what did serving the Lord include? What was he challenging the people to do? Notice Joshua’s entire statement:
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A Letter to Little Children

1 John

Seven times in John’s first epistle, he referred to his audience as “little children.” He was not writing to actual “little children.” He was writing to Christians. But Christians are to be like “little children” – innocent and in need of guidance and protection. We are also “children of God” (1 John 3:1). In this article, I want us to consider the seven instructions that John gave to the “little children” and see what we should also do today.
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The Root of the Problem (Part 10): Materialism

The Root of the Problem: Why We Sin & How We Can Overcome

We live in a materialistic society. So apparent is this reality that I believe examples need not be given. As Christians we must be careful that we do not follow after the world in this regard. Paul gives us a sobering warning about having a materialistic attitude:
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The Foundation for a Godly Society

Moses and the Ten CommandmentsThe Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17) – the laws engraved onto stone which God delivered to Moses for the children of Israel – give us the blueprint for the foundation of any godly or righteous society. These Ten Commandments are regularly assaulted by those on the “left” as having no place in our government or our schools. The stated reason for their opposition is that the Ten Commandments represent a religious element that has no place in anything related to government. Yet the Ten Commandments represent more than just religion. The reason there is such strong opposition to the display of the Ten Commandments by the “left” is because the Ten Commandments stand in direct opposition to the Liberal’s ideal for society.

Many today view the Ten Commandments as part of the foundation of our religion. Yet they are part of the Old Law which was nailed to the cross (Colossians 2:14). Does this mean they are of no value for us today? Certainly not! But we must use them properly. The Old Testament was written and is preserved “for our instruction” (Romans 15:4). When we study the Ten Commandments, we find the foundations of a godly society.
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